Chairman of the board
Ofelia Madsen is VP Sales & Business Development at PanLink Group, an international electrical assembly partner. She has previously worked for Sony Mobile Communications for 13 years with extensive cooperation towards suppliers and manufacturers in Asia. She has been based in Asia for several years and has, heading up departments in Japan, been a frequent traveler to Tokyo.
Chairman of the board
Mikael Palmquist is deputy Retail Operations Manager IKEA Retail, Ingka Group (former IKEA Group), among others he has been responsible for IKEA in Japan and chairman of the board IKEA Japan KK. He was based in Tokyo from January 2011 to June 2019, first as CEO & Country Manager for IKEA Japan KK and from February 2014 as Regional Retail Manager for Asia Pacific, IKEA Group.
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Cerold Andersson is a former CEO of Fanuc Nordic – a Japanese leading global manufacturer of factory automation. Andersson has also worked for Brother and Citizen, two other Japanese companies for 15 years. He has frequently visited Japan and travelled around in different regions and cultures for 20 years. The business relations have comprised purchase, commerce, technology and service.
Board Member
Viktor Öwall is pro vice-chancellor for infrastructure and digitalization at Lund University. He is a professor of integrated electronic systems and was dean of Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering (LTH) 2015-2020. He is a board member of the Wallenberg Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP). Öwall is LU:s representative in the MIRAI General Assembly – the MIRAI cooperation connecting Swedish and Japanese universities through research, education and innovation.
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Anders Olshov is founder and chief of the think tank Intelligence Watch and a well-known economist and debater in Sweden. He worked as economist at Nordea Bank before he founded the Swedish-Danish cross border institute Öresundsinstitutet, which he headed for 12 years. In 2010 he was named economist of the year in Skåne. He has visited and written about J-Parc (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex), reports about business relations Skåne/Scandinavia-Japan and had an Op-ed published in The Japan Times.
Deuputy Board Member
Deputy Board Member
Board Member
Deputy Board Member
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